برنامههای حمایتی
National Funding Opportunities
Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration Ministry of Science, Research and Technology(
Originally, the Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) was named the International Scientific Meeting Office (ISMO) and founded in March 1999 with the aim of expanding international collaborations in science and technology of Iranian universities and research institutes. In July 2001, ISMO was officially renamed the Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) and expanded the scope of its activities by identifying, developing and managing unique collaborative programmes designed to address the scholarly challenges of Iranian academics in a globalizing world.
The mission of the CISSC is to encourage and support internationalization of Iranian universities and research centers by aiding Iranian scholars to engage in research programmes and projects at international level. Its goals are aligned with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology’s strategic plan.
The centre’s main activities outlined below include the Gundishapur Programme (collaboration between Iran & France), ICRP (Invited Collaborative Research Programs), Pietro Della Valle (collaboration between Iran & Italy), universities, research institutes, science and technology parks performance evaluation.
The aim of the ICARD programme is to cultivate collaboration between Iranian nationals working and residing overseas and those in the country. The CISSC promotes joint scientific research in a number of fields by inviting distinguished Iranian scholars and innovators working in other countries to travel to Iran for a short time period lasting several days or weeks. In addition, the programme will provide opportunities for sabbatical leave for faculty members who want to immerse themselves in a foreign community and gain experience in international research collaborations.
MSRT-TUBITAK Joint Research Programme - Shams Tabrizi Call
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT), signed in 2017, and following two previous successful calls of MSRT-TUBITAK joint research projects, both sides agreed to announce a third call named Shams Tabrizi with new list of topics and in cooperation with the National Institute for Medical Research Development (NIMAD) as representative of Health and Biomedical Science and CISSC. This programme is led by University of Tabriz. The purpose of a partnership between TÜBİTAK and MSRT was to support projects for which there is genuine Turkish-Iranian collaboration. Under this call, only research projects focusing on producing new knowledge, producing new scientific interpretations or solving technological problems based on scientific principles will be funded. The projects will be implemented through the exchange of knowledge and researchers.
Scientists in Turkey who want to propose a joint research project must agree with the researcher(s) working in the research institutions in Iran whom they will carry out the project together as "project partners". Unilateral project applications are not accepted. The Turkish and Iranian partners shall form a project consortium and prepare a joint scientific project. Teams from each country must designate a national scientific coordinator. Projects should be submitted in parallel to respective funding agencies by each national scientific coordinator. Based on the respective bilateral agreement between TÜBİTAK and MSRT, each party will cover the costs of their own national team. While submitting the project proposal form, the costs which are requested in the scope of the project must be stated in detail and justified. In the case of any exchange of researchers to be made within the scope of the projects, the sending party shall meet all travel expenses. TÜBİTAK will fund the Turkish side under the financial principles of TÜBİTAK 2535 programme.
MSRT and CISSC will fund the Iranian side within the agreement with NIMAD (National Institute for Medical Research Development) to support their own researchers who are determined as principal investigators in their proposals.
Project submission to TUBITAK should be made via https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov. Project submission to MSRT should be made via the CISSC submission system: http://rms.cissc.ir/, and MoHME should be made via NIMAD research system management http://rms.nimad.ac.ir (as representative of Health and BioMedical Science). The duration of projects is 18 months maximum. Maximum payment of MSRT and CISSC has been appended in table found in below links, call snapshot.
Contact Details of CISSC
Address: No. 1, Soroud Alley, Between Labbafinezhad &Ravanmehr St, South Kargar St,Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +98(0)21-66981539 +98(0)21-66981543 +98(0)21-66981547 +98(0)21-66981549
Post code: 1314983655
For submission of proposed research studies of CISSC click on this link: http://rms.cissc.ir/
Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration Ministry of Science, Research and Technology(
Originally, the Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) was named the International Scientific Meeting Office (ISMO) and founded in March 1999 with the aim of expanding international collaborations in science and technology of Iranian universities and research institutes. In July 2001, ISMO was officially renamed the Centre for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) and expanded the scope of its activities by identifying, developing and managing unique collaborative programmes designed to address the scholarly challenges of Iranian academics in a globalizing world.
The mission of the CISSC is to encourage and support internationalization of Iranian universities and research centers by aiding Iranian scholars to engage in research programmes and projects at international level. Its goals are aligned with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology’s strategic plan.
The centre’s main activities outlined below include the Gundishapur Programme (collaboration between Iran & France), ICRP (Invited Collaborative Research Programs), Pietro Della Valle (collaboration between Iran & Italy), universities, research institutes, science and technology parks performance evaluation.
The aim of the ICARD programme is to cultivate collaboration between Iranian nationals working and residing overseas and those in the country. The CISSC promotes joint scientific research in a number of fields by inviting distinguished Iranian scholars and innovators working in other countries to travel to Iran for a short time period lasting several days or weeks. In addition, the programme will provide opportunities for sabbatical leave for faculty members who want to immerse themselves in a foreign community and gain experience in international research collaborations.
The Gundishapur programme is a collaborative partnership between the CISSC and the Cooperation and Cultural Activities (SCAC) section of the French Embassy in Iran designed to promote collaboration between Iranian and French researchers and academics in a variety of fields including humanities and social sciences, life science, agriculture and environment. The program places emphasis on projects which- are accompanied by training at doctoral or post-doctoral levels,
- provide the opportunity of collaborations between several Iranian and French laboratories or research centers, and
- foster technological innovation and competitiveness in order to solve developmental problems, particularly in economic and social domains.
The distinctive Simorgh programme is designed to attract overseas outstanding scientists and experts in various fields of science and technology to speak at academic events in Iran. The purpose of the so-called Simorgh programme, which started in 2010, is to provide opportunities for academic staff and students at Iranian universities to enhance their research and training by establishing ties with foreign scholars. What distinguishes this program from the other sponsored programs of the CISSC is the requirement of organizing academic events for the invited guest speakers in one or more universities outside Tehran, preferably in the less developed cities across the country.ICRP
The CISSC has attempted to help the MSRT to improve the quality of its research programmes by facilitating international scientific collaboration between researchers in universities and research centers across the country and overseas in various academic disciplines ranging from basic sciences to social sciences and art. Under this program, prominent international researchers are invited to travel to Iran for a specific period of time in order to engage in collaborative research projects with Iranian scholars.ICED
Through this program, national universities and science-research centres can invite distinguished overseas Iranian scholars and researchers to teach at these institutes in Iran. Iranian professors in the country can also make an application under this program to teach at one of the universities or science-research centers abroad.Pietro Della Valle
The Government of Islamic Republic of Iran and Italian Government have agreed to financially support joint research projects. Based on research priorities, the Pietro Della Valle project includes shared research projects of Iranian and Italian research teams previously approved by Italian scientific committees as well as the Iranian Center of International Studies and Scientific Cooperation in the fields of human and social studies, museum, arts and cultural heritage, natural sciences, life and medical sciences, engineering and information technology.MSRT-TUBITAK Joint Research Programme - Shams Tabrizi Call
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT), signed in 2017, and following two previous successful calls of MSRT-TUBITAK joint research projects, both sides agreed to announce a third call named Shams Tabrizi with new list of topics and in cooperation with the National Institute for Medical Research Development (NIMAD) as representative of Health and Biomedical Science and CISSC. This programme is led by University of Tabriz. The purpose of a partnership between TÜBİTAK and MSRT was to support projects for which there is genuine Turkish-Iranian collaboration. Under this call, only research projects focusing on producing new knowledge, producing new scientific interpretations or solving technological problems based on scientific principles will be funded. The projects will be implemented through the exchange of knowledge and researchers.
Scientists in Turkey who want to propose a joint research project must agree with the researcher(s) working in the research institutions in Iran whom they will carry out the project together as "project partners". Unilateral project applications are not accepted. The Turkish and Iranian partners shall form a project consortium and prepare a joint scientific project. Teams from each country must designate a national scientific coordinator. Projects should be submitted in parallel to respective funding agencies by each national scientific coordinator. Based on the respective bilateral agreement between TÜBİTAK and MSRT, each party will cover the costs of their own national team. While submitting the project proposal form, the costs which are requested in the scope of the project must be stated in detail and justified. In the case of any exchange of researchers to be made within the scope of the projects, the sending party shall meet all travel expenses. TÜBİTAK will fund the Turkish side under the financial principles of TÜBİTAK 2535 programme.
MSRT and CISSC will fund the Iranian side within the agreement with NIMAD (National Institute for Medical Research Development) to support their own researchers who are determined as principal investigators in their proposals.
Project submission to TUBITAK should be made via https://uidb-pbs.tubitak.gov. Project submission to MSRT should be made via the CISSC submission system: http://rms.cissc.ir/, and MoHME should be made via NIMAD research system management http://rms.nimad.ac.ir (as representative of Health and BioMedical Science). The duration of projects is 18 months maximum. Maximum payment of MSRT and CISSC has been appended in table found in below links, call snapshot.
Contact Details of CISSC
Address: No. 1, Soroud Alley, Between Labbafinezhad &Ravanmehr St, South Kargar St,Tehran, Iran.
Tel: +98(0)21-66981539 +98(0)21-66981543 +98(0)21-66981547 +98(0)21-66981549
Post code: 1314983655
For submission of proposed research studies of CISSC click on this link: http://rms.cissc.ir/