Academic Staff Mobility

Academic staff mobility refers to the exchange of teaching and research staff between universities or other educational institutions. This exchange program is designed to promote international cooperation, enhance academic quality and diversity, and foster collaboration among institutions across different countries and regions.
Through academic staff mobility programs, professors and researchers have the opportunity to teach, conduct research, and participate in academic activities in a different country or institution for a certain period of time. This allows them to gain new perspectives, learn about new research methodologies and techniques, and share their knowledge and expertise with colleagues in other parts of the world.
Academic staff mobility programs are typically funded by governments, international organizations or universities themselves. Programs may include financial support for travel, accommodation, and living expenses, as well as opportunities for language courses, cultural activities, and networking events.
Benefits of academic staff mobility programs include the development of new research collaborations, the exchange of ideas and best practices, the enhancement of teaching and research skills, and the promotion of cultural understanding and diversity within the academic community.

ارايه کارگاه تخصصي توسط عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه کردستان در دانشگاه اف اچ یوانیوم

سخنرانی بابلو سانچنز از دانشگاه  FH Joanneum در مورد طراحی سیستم‌های الکترونیکی پیشرفته

ارایه موضوعات مرتبط با تجارت و بازرگانی توسط خانم ظحا الامری از ICD فرانسه

Application and Selection Process
The selection process for academic staff mobility programs can vary depending on the program and the organization offering it. However, in general, the selection process is competitive, and applicants are evaluated based on a combination of factors such as their academic qualifications, research experience, teaching experience, language proficiency, and motivation for participating in the program.
General Selection Criteria:
  • Submission of Teaching Plan Form (Click Here) which typically includes personal information and teaching programme content, and overall objectives and outcomes of the teaching mobility
  • Submission of statement of purpose in English
  • Submission of CV in English
  • Evidence of Proficiency in English language (B2 Level) or host university official language of teaching
  • Relevance of research interests and academic background to the programme's theme or focus
  • Prior communication with relevant department at host university and agreement to host the staff member

Once the application deadline has passed, the International Affairs Office selection committee will review all applications and evaluate them based on the eligibility criteria and selection criteria specified in the program guidelines. Successful applicants will be notified of their acceptance and provided with further instructions on how to proceed with the program, including any necessary visas or permits, travel arrangements, and pre-departure orientation sessions.

After Completion of Mobility Programme
Academic staff having completed their teaching / training at a university abroad are required to complete the feedback form given by the host institution as well as that given by the University of Kurdistan International Affairs Office.