Faculty Profile

sayyed ahmad parsa
Update: 2024-09-19

sayyed ahmad parsa

Faculty of Language and Literature / Department of Persian Language & Literature

Activities Faculty

Professional Experiences

  1. Scientific Secretary of the International Conference on Kurdish and Persian (Linguistics and Poetry); Joint between Kurdistan University in Iran and Salahuddin University in Erbil and Raprin University in Rania. 2018 2018 → 2018
  2. Member of the board of َAudit of University of Kurdistan 2018 → 2020
  3. Member of the board of َAudit of University of Kurdistan 2016 → 2018
  4. part-time researcher of the center Kurdistan 2010 → 2010
  5. Board member expert panel monitoring and evaluation of Payam Noor University in Kurdistan 2009 → 2011
  6. The Office is responsible for monitoring and evaluation and promotion of Kurdistan University 2005 → 2010