Faculty Profile

Hossein Azizi
Update: 2024-09-19

Hossein Azizi

Faculty of Engineering / Department of Mine Engineering

Articles Faculty

Journal Papers

  1. "Shift from arc to within-plate magmatism at 635 Ma as recorded by Neoproterozoic dikes, southern Midyan terrane, NW Arabian Shield"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemah Nouri, Robert J. Stern, Scott A. Whattam, Yi Keewook, Haitham M Baggazi, Abdullah Alquablee, Brian Jicha, Yanick Brice Lemdjou, Adelhamid EL Fakharani
    Precambrian Research, 2024
  2. "O–Hf isotope ratios of Alvand S-type granite, western Iran, reveal crustal melting in an extensional regime"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ryo Anma, Narges Daneshvar, Masayo Minami, Ghazal Rafat, Kenji Horie, Mami Takehara, Yoshiaki Kon
    Lithos, 2024
  3. "Mineralogy, geochemistry and mineralization of iron ore deposition in NW Sanandaj-Sirjan Geological Zone: A futuristic review based on a representative case study"
    Hossein Azizi, Afshin Akbarpoor, Jalil Ghalamghash, Behnam Sadeghi
    Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2024
  4. "Arc adakitic-like signatures caused by amphibole fractionation: An example from 20 Ma granitoids, Charco Rico district, Panama"
    Hossein Azizi, Scott A. Whattam, Lisard Torro, Youn-Joong Geong, Sabyasachi Chattopadhyyay, Tim Ireland, Carlos Carrasco
    Lithos, 2023
  5. "Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Arc and Back-Arc System in the Neotethys Ocean, Zagros Suture Zone"
    Hossein Azizi, Youssef Osman Mohammad, Kurda Abdulla
    Minerals, 2023
  6. "The Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (W. Iran) was a Jurassic passive continental margin: Evidence from igneous rocks of the Songhor area"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Fatemah Nouri, Robert J. Stern
    LITHOS, 2023
  7. "Geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopes and zircon U-Pb dating of magmatic rocks from the Talesh range, western Alborz: New insights into Late Cretaceous evolution of the southern Eurasian margin"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Khadijeh Amani, Moreteza Delavari, Sadraddin Amini, Tanya Furman, Amir Ali Tabbakh Shabani, Abbas Asyabanha, Ali Mohammadi
    Geochemistry, 2023
  8. "The Middle Jurassic Cheshmeh-Ghasaban High-Mg gabbro (Hamedan, NW Iran): A plume-influenced intracontinental rifting event?"
    Hossein Azizi, Federico Lucci, Mohammad Miri, Adel Saki, Jahn Charls White, Giancarlo Dellaventura
    Geochemistry, 2023
  9. "Carbonatisation and overprinting mineralisation in Siah-Kamar porphyry molybdenum deposit, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Federico Lucci, Ahmad Rabiee, Federico Rossetti, Mauro Brilli, Nicu-Viorel Atudorei
    Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2023
  10. "The Generation of Eocene Mafic Dike Swarms During the Exhumation of a Core Complex, Biarjmand Area, NE Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ryo Anma, Narges Daneshvar, Masayo Minami
    Journal of Petrology, 2023
  11. "A Jurassic volcanic passive margin in Iran and Turkey"
    Hossein Azizi, Robert J. Stern, Orhan Karsli, Raif Kandemir
    Terra Nova, 2023
  12. "Is skarnization the cause of mineralization? a case study, Sanandaj Sirjan zone, west Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023
  13. "Geochronology and geochemistry of the Ediacaran orthogneisses from the north Shahrekord ( Sadegh‐Abad ), Sanandaj‐Sirjan Zone: Insights into magmatic evolution of the Iranian basement"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Franz Neubauer, Maryam Bendokht, Johann Genser
  14. "Cadomian crustal evolution of Turkey, Iran, and environs"
    Hossein Azizi, Gültekin Topuz, Jean Pierre Burg
    International Geology Review, 2022
  15. "A review of garnet deposits in western and southern Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemah Nouri, Robert J. Stern
    International Geology Review, 2022
  16. "Estimating Magma Crystallization Temperatures Using High Field Strength Elements in Igneous Rocks"
    Hossein Azizi, Motohiro TSUBOI, Narges Daneshvar
    Minerals, 2022
  17. "Tectonic significance of the late Eocene (Bartonian) calc-alkaline granitoid body in the Marivan area, Zagros suture zone, northwest Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Farzad Rezaei
    International Geology Review, 2022
  18. "S-type like granites and felsic volcanic rocks in the Mahabad area, NW Iran: Late Neoproterozoic extensional tectonics follow collision on the northern boundary of Gondwana"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Masayo Minami, Somayeh Gholipour, Faribourz Masoudi
    LITHOS, 2022
  19. "Does neoproterozoic-early paleozoic (570–530 Ma) basement of Iran belong to the cadomian orogeny?"
    Hossein Azizi, Scott A. Whattam
  20. "Tectonic transition from Ediacaran continental arc to early Cambrian rift in the NE Ardakan region, central Iran: Constraints from geochronology and geochemistry of magmatic rocks"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Fatemah Nouri, Ryo Anma, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Mark B. Allen, Mahnaz Khodami
  21. "Geochronology and petrogenesis of the Late Neoproterozoic granitic gneisses of Golpayegan metamorphic complex: a new respect for Cadomian crust in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, José Francisco Santos, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Arezoo Moradi
    International Geology Review, 2022
  22. "Hydrothermal alteration mapping using ASTER data, Takab-Baneh area, NW Iran: a key for further exploration of polymetal deposits"
    Hossein Azizi, Youssef Osman Mohammad, Narges Daneshvar, Shima Saed, Payman Afzal, Scott A. Whattam
    Geocarto International, 2022
  23. "The Jurassic tourmaline–garnet–beryl semi-gemstone province in the Sanandaj– Sirjan Zone, western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemeh Noori, Robert J. Stern
    International Geology Review, 2022
  24. "Whole-rock chemistry and Sr isotope concentrations in the Upper Cretaceous shale, western Iran: evidence for a transition from trench to fore-arc settings"
    Hadi Amin-Rasouli, Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Shahla Mahmodyan, John Armstrong-Altrin
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022
  25. "Early Cambrian highly fractionated granite, Central Iran: Evidence for drifting of northern Gondwana and the evolution of the Proto-Tethys Ocean"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Fatemah Nouri, Ryo Anma, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Mark B. Allen, Mahnaz Khodami
  26. "Zircon U–Pb ages, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes of the Golshekanan granitoid, Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc, Iran: evidence for partial melting of juvenile crust"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Fatemeh Sarjoughian, Wenli Ling, David Lentz, Bahareh Zahedi
  27. "Zircon U-Pb ages, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd isotope ratios for early cretaceous magmatic rocks, southern Saqqez, northwestern Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Somayeh Gholipour, Faribourz Masoudi
    Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2021
  28. "Geochemistry and Genesis of Beryl Crystals in the LCT Pegmatite Type, Ebrahim-Attar Mountain, Western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Youssef Osman Mohammad, Narges Daneshvar, Masayo Minami
    Minerals, 2021
  29. "A new perspective on Cenozoic calc-alkaline and shoshonitic volcanic rocks, eastern Saveh (central Iran)"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Fatemah Nouri, Robert J. Stern
    International Geology Review, 2021
  30. "The Van Microplate: A New Microcontinent at the Junction of Iran, Turkey, and Armenia"
    Hossein Azizi, Motohiro TSUBOI
    Frontiers of Earth Science, 2021
  31. "Early Miocene Post-collision Andesite in the Takab area, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Narges Daneshvar, Asrin Mohammadi, Masayo Minami, Scott A. Whattam
  32. "A-type granite in the Boein-Miandasht Complex: evidence for a Late Jurassic extensional regime in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Franz Neubauer, Neda Tavakoli, Manfred Bernroider, James K.W Lee
  33. "Zircon U--Pb ages of Au-bearing host rocks in Northwest Iran as evidence for gold mineralization in the Carboniferous, not Cenozoic time!"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad Maanijou, David Lentz, Narges Daneshvar, Chris R.M McFarlane
    LITHOS, 2021
  34. "Coexistence of two types of Late Paleocene adakitic granitoid, Soursat complex, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Youssef Osman Mohammad, Fatemah Nouri, Ryo Anma, Masayo Minami, Scott A. Whattam
    LITHOS, 2021
  35. "Interpretation of hydrothermal evolution in the Qolqoleh Gold Deposit, Southwest of Saqqez, Iran: Analysis of pyrite by LA-ICP-MS and sulfur isotopes"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad Maanijou, David Lentz, Narges Daneshvar, Chris R.M McFarlane, ُTeruyuki Maruoka
  36. "Long-lived, Eocene-Miocene stationary magmatism in NW Iran along a transform plate boundary"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Federico Lucci, Ahmad Rabiee, Federico Rossetti, Reza Nozaem, Michele Lustrino
  37. "Reply to comment on “Jurassic igneous rocks of the central Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (Iran) mark a propagating continental rift, not a magmatic arc (Azizi and Stern, Terra Nova, 31(5), 415–423, 2019)”"
    Hossein Azizi, Robert J. Stern
    TERRA NOVA, 2020
  38. "Rare Earth Elements and Sr Isotope Ratios of Large Apatite Crystals in Ghareh Bagh Mica Mine, NW Iran: Tracing for Petrogenesis and Mineralization"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Narges Daneshvar, Mehdi Hosseini
    Minerals, 2020
  39. "New evidence for Jurassic continental rifting in the northern Sanandaj Sirjan Zone, western Iran: the Ghalaylan seamount, southwest Ghorveh"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Mohammad Hussein Zarinkoub, Fatemah Nouri, Federico Lucci, Robert J. Stern, Marie Azizi
    International Geology Review, 2020
  40. "Anatomy of the magmatic plumbing system of Los Humeros Caldera (Mexico): implications for geothermal systems"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Federico Lucci, Federico Rossetti, Gerardo Carassco-Nunes, Thomas Theye, Johan Charles White, Stefano Urbani, Guido Giordano
    SOLID EARTH, 2020
  41. "Magnetite compositions from the Baba Ali iron deposit in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, western Iran: Implications for ore genesis"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemeh Sarjoughian, Amir Esna-Ashari, David Lentz, Iraj Habibi
  42. "Zircon U-Pb dating, mineralogy and geochemical characteristics of the gabbro and gabbro-diorite bodies, Boein–Miandasht, western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Franz Neubauer, Neda Tavakoli, Manfred Bernroider
    International Geology Review, 2020
  43. "Special issue on Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonomagmatic evolution of Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Jan Golonka, Federico Rossetti, Hadi Shafaii Moghadam
    International Geology Review, 2020
  44. "Geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Soheyle-PaKuh granitoid rocks (central Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt, Iran)"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Fatemeh Sarjoughian, Wenli Ling, David Lentz, Somayeh javadi
    International Geology Review, 2020
  45. "Investigation of rare earth elements (REEs) as exploration potential in Intrusive bodies in the northern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (Kurdistan area), western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Koshi Yamamoto, Fatemah Nouri, Masayo Minami, Ali Maghsoudloo
  46. "Sequential magma injection with a wide range of mixing and mingling in Late Jurassic plutons, southern Ghorveh, western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ryo Anma, Masayo Minami
  47. "Petrogenesis and geodynamic implications of an Ediacaran (550 Ma) granite complex (metagranites), southwestern Saqqez, northwest Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Mohammad Maanijou, Narges Daneshvar
    Journal of Geodynamics, 2019
  48. "Late Paleocene adakitic granitoid from NW Iran and comparison with adakites in the NE Turkey: Adakitic melt generation in normal continental crust"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Robert J. Stern, Gültekin Topuz, Hadi Shafaii Moghadam
    LITHOS, 2019
  49. "Jurassic igneous rocks of the central Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (Iran) mark a propagating continental rift, not a magmatic arc"
    Hossein Azizi, Robert J. Stern
    TERRA NOVA, 2019
  50. "Age, geochemistry, and emplacement of the ~40-Ma Baneh granite–appinite complex in a transpressional tectonic regime, Zagros suture zone, northwest Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Sepideh Hadad, Robert J. Stern
    International Geology Review, 2019
  51. "Multiphase magma intrusion, ore-enhancement and hydrothermal carbonatisation in the Siah-Kamar porphyry Mo deposit, Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic zone, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Federico Lucci, Ahmad Rabiee, Federico Rossetti, Francesca Tecce, Johannes Glodny, Reza Nozaem, Joachim Opitz, David Selby
  52. "Petrogenesis of the Harsin–Sahneh serpentinized peridotites along the Zagros suture zone, western Iran: new evidence for mantle metasomatism due to oceanic slab flux"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motorhio Choboi, Fatemah Nouri
  53. "Zircon U-Pb dating, geochemistry and evolution of the Late Eocene Saveh magmatic complex, central Iran: Partial melts of sub-continental litho- spheric mantle and magmatic differentiation"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Koshi Yamamoto, Fatemah Nouri, Robert J. Stern, Sedigheh Khodaparast, Saeed Madanipour
    LITHOS, 2018
  54. "The Late Jurassic Panjeh submarine volcano in the northern Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, northwest Iran: Mantle plume or active margin?"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Shima Hassannejad, Federico Lucci, Robert J. Stern
    LITHOS, 2018
  55. "A- and I-type metagranites from the North Shahrekord Metamorphic Complex, Iran: Evidence for Early Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Koshi Yamamoto, Afsaneh Badr, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Franz Neubauer, Yunpeng Dong
    LITHOS, 2018
  56. "Petrogenesis and geochronology of Mishao peraluminous I-type granites, Shalair valley area, NE Iraq"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ayten Hadi, Koshi Yamamoto, Imad Kadhim Abdulzahra
    Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2018
  57. "Geology and Mineral Chemistry of Gold Mineralization in Mirge-Naqshineh Occurrence (Saqez, NW Iran): Implications for Transportation and Precipitation of Gold"
    Hossein Azizi, Hassan Mirnejad, Golale Asghari, Samad Alipour
  58. ".Study of the zircon morphology and internal structures as a tool for constraining magma source: example from granitoid bodies in the northern Sanandaj Sirjan zone (SW Saqqez)"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Mohammad Maanijou, Narges Daneshvar
    Geopersia, 2018
  59. "A-type granitoid in Hasansalaran complex, northwestern Iran: Evidence for extensional tectonic regime in northern Gondwana in the Late Paleozoic"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Tahmineh Kazemi
    Journal of Geodynamics, 2017
  60. "Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Eocene back arc mafic rocks in the Zagros suture zone, northern Noorabad, western Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Koshi Yamamoto, Fatemah Nouri
    Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2017
  61. "Geochemistry of metabasites from the North Shahrekord metamorphic complex, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone: Geodynamic implications for the Pan-African basement in Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Forough Malek-Mahmoudi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Franz Neubauer, Yunpeng Dong
  62. "Zircon U–Pb ages and Sr–Nd isotope ratios for the Sirstan granitoid body, NE Iraq: Evidence of magmatic activity in the Middle Cretaceous Period"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ayten Hadi, Koshi Yamamoto, Imad Kadhim Abdulzahra
  63. "Zircon U–Pb ages and geochemistry of Devonian A-type granites in the Iraqi Zagros Suture Zone (Damamna area): New evidence for magmatic activity related to the Hercynian orogeny"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ayten Hadi, Koshi Yamamoto, Imad Kadhim Abdulzahra
    LITHOS, 2016
  64. "Age and petrogenesis of Na-rich felsic rocks in western Iran: Evidence for closure of the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys in the Late Cretaceous"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Koshi Yamamoto, Fatemah Nouri, Yuji Orihashi, Jan Golonka, Ryo Anma
  65. "Strongly peraluminous leucogranite (Ebrahim-Attar granite) as evidence for extensional tectonic regime in the Cretaceous, Sanandaj Sirjan zone, northwest Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, behzad Mehrabi, Motohiro TSUBOI, Narges Daneshvar, Keivan Mohammadi
    Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2016
  66. "U–Pb zircon ages and geochemistry of Kangareh and Taghiabad ma bodies in northern Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, Iran: Evidence for intra-oceanic arc and back-arc tectonic regime in Late Jurassic"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Koshi Yamamoto, Mohammad Najari, Elizabeth J. Catlos, Misa Shimizu
  67. "Mesozoic magmatism in the northwestern Sanandaj–Sirjan zone as an evidence for active continental margin"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri, Afshin Akabarpour
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015
  68. "Zircon U–Pb ages and petrogenesis of a tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) complex in the northern Sanandaj–Sirjan zone, northwest Iran: Evidence for Late Jurassic arc–continent collision"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Mina Zanafili-Beiranvand
    LITHOS, 2015
  69. "Geochemistry and geochronology of the volcano-plutonic rocks associated with the Glojeh epithermal gold mineralization, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, behzad Mehrabi, Majid Ghassemi Siani, Camilla Maya Wilkinson, Morgan Ganerød
    Central European Journal of Geosciences, 2015
  70. "The role of heterogenetic mantle in the genesis of adakites northeast of Sanandaj, northwestern Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motohiro TSUBOI, Kento Takemura, Saman Razyani
    Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2014
  71. "Quaternary high-Nb basalts: existence of young oceanic crust under the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Motorhio Choboi
    International Geology Review, 2014
  72. "Juvenile granite in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, NWIran: Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous arc–continent collision"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha
    International Geology Review, 2013
  73. "Cluster and R-mode factor analyses on soil geochemical data of Masjed-Daghi exploration area, northwestern Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Afshin Akabarpour, Nejat Gholami, Mohhamad Torab
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2013
  74. "Geochemistry and geodynamics of the Mawat mafic complex in the Zagros Suture zone, northeast Iraq"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Ayten Hadi, Youssef Osman Mohammad
    Central European Journal of Geosciences, 2013
  75. "Remote Sensing and Land Use Extraction for Kernel Functions Analysis by Support Vector Machines with ASTER Multispectral Imageryظ"
    Hossein Azizi, Elahe Akbari, Nasrin AMIRI
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012
  76. "Discrimination of the age and tectonic setting for magmatic rocks along the Zagros thrust zone, northwest Iran, using the zircon U–Pb age and Sr–Nd isotopes"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Siushi Tanaka, Mohammad Hussein Zarinkoub, Soon Linchang
    Journal of Geodynamics, 2011
  77. "Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of high-K granite from the Suffi abad area, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Soon Linchang, behzad Mehrabi
    Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 2011
  78. "Isotopic dating of the Khoy metamorphic complex (KMC), northwestern Iran: Asignificant revision of the formation age and magma source"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Siushi Tanaka, Soon Linchang
  79. "Extraction of hydrothermal alterations from ASTER SWIR data from east Zanjan, northern Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Afshin Akbarpoor, mohammadali Tarvardi
    Advances in Space Research, 2010
  80. "Genesis of Tertiary Magnetite–Apatite Deposits, Southeast of Zanjan, Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Afshin Akbarpoor, behzad Mehrabi
  81. "Review of the tectonic setting of Cretaceous to Quaternary volcanism in northwestern Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri
    Journal of Geodynamics, 2009
  82. "Cretaceous subduction-related volcanism in the northern Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Ahmad Jahangiri
    Journal of Geodynamics, 2008
  83. "Cretaceous subdction-related volcanism in the northern Sanandaj-Sirjanzone, Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, Ahmad Jahangiri
    Journal of Geodynamics, 2008
  84. "Using ASTER SWIR bands for discrimination of hydrothermal alteration in the west of Iran a key for copper and gold mineralization"
    Hossein Azizi, Khaled babai, Aluakbar Rasoli
    Applied Journal of Sciences, 2007
  85. "PTt path in metamorphic rocks of the khoy region and tectonic significance during the Cretaceous-tertiary"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri, M. Mhajjel, Abdolmajid Yagoubpour
    JAES.issue, 2006
  86. "پتروفابریک و استرین نهایی آمفیبولیت ‌های موته-گلپایگان: شواهدی از تغییرشکل ترافشارشی در نوار دگرگونی سنندج - سیرجان"
    Hossein Azizi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Behnaz Bakhtiari
    علوم زمین, 2023
  87. "Metallogeny of Manto-copper deposits, special view in Nasim copper deposit, northwest of Bardaskan, Khorasan Razavi"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad Hassan Karimpour, Behnam Rahimi, Saeed Saadat, Touran Ramezaniabbakhsh
    زمین شناسی اقتصادی, 2023
  88. "شیمی کانی، دما- فشار سنجی و ژنز کلینوپیروکسنهای سنگهای متاولکانیکی مافیک ماکو، شمال باختر ایران"
    Hossein Azizi, Ahmad Jahangiri, Farzaneh Valinasab, Mohsen Moayyed
    علوم زمين, 2022
  89. "دماسنجی و تعیین ویژگیهای ماگمای سنگهای اسیدی کرتاسه با پایه ریختشناسی کانی زیرکن و مقایسه آن با دادههای برآمده از شیمی سنگ کل در جنوبشرق سقز، شمالغرب ایران"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Somayeh Gholipour, Faribourz Masoudi
    بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2022
  90. "ژئوشیمی و ژئودینامیک شیل های کرتاسه بالایی، شمال زون سنندج-سیرجان، باختر ایران"
    Hadi Amin-Rasouli, Hossein Azizi, Shahla Mahmodyan
    علوم زمين, 2021
  91. "سنگ نگاری و سنگ شناسی سنگهای متاولکانیکی بایمودال شمال ماکو، شمال باختر ایران"
    Hossein Azizi, Ahmad Jahangiri, Farzaneh Valinasab, Mohsen Moayyed
    علوم زمين, 2021
  92. "Origin of the Dorojin iron skarn deposit, NE Isfahan: mineralogy and fluid inclusions evidences"
    Hossein Azizi, Zahra Alaminia, Zahra Rahmati
    علوم زمين, 2020
  93. "بررسی تغییرات دمایی و مراحل دگرشکلی با توجه به ریزساختارها و پاراژنژ کانیایی در پاراگنایسهای شمال شهرکرد"
    Hossein Azizi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Mahin Hashemi
    علوم زمين, 2020
  94. "سن سنجی و دماسنجی تبلور زیرکن در متاگرانیت های کمپلکس دگرگونی شمال شهرکرد"
    Hossein Azizi, Afsaneh Badr, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian
    علوم زمين, 2019
  95. "بررسی سنگ نگاری پاراگنایس های شمال شرق گلپایگان: میگماتیتی شدن و شواهد دگرگونی پسرونده"
    Hossein Azizi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Mahin Hashemi
    بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2019
  96. "کانی شناسی، زمین شیمی و سنگ زایی آمفیبولیت های شمال شرق یان چشمه، جنوب شرق دریاچه زاینده رود"
    Hossein Azizi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, sayedmohammad Hosseini
    بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2019
  97. "شیمی بلور پریدوتیتهای صحنه-هرسین: شواهدی بر ذوب بخشی گوشته پریدوتیتی در پهنۀ بالای فرورانش"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemah Nouri
    نشريه علوم دانشگاه تربيت معلم, 2018
  98. "نقش اثر تتراد در الگوی عناصر نادر خاکی توده گرانیتویٔیدی ابراهیم عطار، جنوبغرب قروه، با تأکید بر دوقلوهای ژیٔوشیمیایی"
    Hossein Azizi, Keivan Mohammadi
    علوم-دانشگاه خوارزمي, 2017
  99. "وﯾﮋﮔﯽ ﻫﺎی ﻣﺎﮔﻤﺎﯾﯽ و زﻣﯿﻦ دﻣﺎ-ﻓﺸﺎرﺳﻨﺠﯽ ﺗﻮده ﮔﺎﺑﺮوﯾﯽ وﻧﺎﮐﻮ، ﺟﻨﻮب ﺷﺮق ﺻﺤﻨﻪ ﺑﺎ اﺳﺘﻔﺎده از ﺷﯿﻤﯽ دو ﮐﺎﻧﯽ ﭘﯿﺮوﮐﺴﻦ و ﭘﻼژﯾﻮﮐﻼز"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemah Nouri, Nematollah Omran Rashidnejhad
    پترولوژي, 2016
  100. "رودنگیتی شدن گابروهای جنوب شرق صحنه (غرب ایران)، با تأکید بر روابط کانی شناسی و ژیٔوشیمی ایزوتوپی"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemah Nouri
    يافته هاي نوين در زمين شناسي, 2015
  101. "پترولوژی سنگ های آتشفشانی کرتاسه شمال سنندج"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri
    مجله علمي پژوهشي علوم پايه داشگاه تهران, 2009
  102. "سنگ شناسی سنگ های اتشفشانی ائوسن خاور سنندج"
    Hossein Azizi, Afshin Akbarpoor
    علوم زمين, 2009
  103. "ماگماتیسم الیگوسن در زون تراست زاگرس (محور صحنه- مریوان): دور دوم فرورانش نئوتتیس در پالئوژن"
    Hossein Azizi, Farogh Eizadfi, Hosein Moin Vaziri, behzad Mehrabi
    مجله علوم دانشگاه تهران, 2008
  104. "دگر شکلی در تکتونیت های شمال باختر خوی"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad Mohjel
    مجله علمي پژوهشي علوم پايه داشگاه تهران, 2007
  105. "ژئوشیمی سنگ های آتشفشانی کرتاسه سقز با تاکید بر رفتار عناصر خاک های نادر(REE)"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri
    مجله علمي پژوهشي دانشگاه اصفهان, 2007
  106. "مسیر PTt سنگهای دگرگونه شمال خوی، نمونه ای از یک مسیر نرمال در جهت عقربه ساعت"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad Mohjel, Hosein Moin Vaziri, Mosa Noghreian
    مجله علمي پژوهشي دانشگاه اصفهان, 2004
  107. "ژئوترموبارومتری آمفیبولها و تعیین نوع دگرگونی آمفیبولیتهای شمال و شمال غرب خوی بر اساس ترکیب شیمیایی آمفیبولها"
    FirstName_EN 14 LastName_EN 14, Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri
    بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2003
  108. "ژئوشیمی متابازیت های شمال خوی"
    Hossein Azizi, Hosein Moin Vaziri, Mosa Noghreian
    مجله علمي پژوهشي دانشگاه اصفهان, 2001
  109. "گرانیتوئید میلونیت های شمال خوی"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad Mohjel, Hosein Moin Vaziri, Abdolmajid Yagoubpour
    مجله علوم دانشگاه تهران, 2001

Conference Papers

  1. "Magmatic activities related to the oceanic crust subduction and recycling of the deep sediments based on the 10Be cosmic isotope, NW Iran"
    Hossein Azizi
    The 5ISEE Symposium, Toward the future of Space-Earth Environmental research, 2022
  2. "Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of northwest Iran based on 14C age and chemical compositions of travertines"
    Hadi Amin-Rasouli, Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Masayo Minami, Yubo Zhang, Masaki Kaneko
    67th Annual Meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan, 2020
  3. "14C ages and chemical compositions of travertines in northwest Iran: An attempt on paleoenvironmental reconstruction in west Asia"
    Hadi Amin-Rasouli, Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Masayo Minami, Yubo Zhang
    Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, 2020
  4. "ریزساختارهای دگرشکلی متا گرانیت و متا ولکانیک های اسیدی کرتاسه جنوب سقز"
    Hossein Azizi, Somayeh Gholipour, Faribourz Masoudi
    The 23nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2020
  5. "شواهد اختلاط ماگمایی در گرانیتوئید کرتاسه جنوب سقز"
    Hossein Azizi, Somayeh Gholipour, Faribourz Masoudi
    The 23nd Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2020
  6. "شناسایی زون های دگرسانی در بخش جنوبی ورقه ایرانخواه (جنوب شرق سقز)، با استفاده از داده های مادون قرمز موج کوتاه (SWIR) سنجنده استر"
    Hossein Azizi, Narges Daneshvar, Shima Saed, Payman Afzal
    12th Symposium of Iranian Society Economic Geology, 2020
  7. "شناسایی زون های دگرسانی، واحد های کربناتی و سلیسی شمال ورقه تکاب با استفاده از داده های سنجنده استر"
    Hossein Azizi, Narges Daneshvar, Shima Saed, Payman Afzal
    12th Symposium of Iranian Society Economic Geology, 2020
  8. "بررسی ریزساختاری بلورهای آمفیبول در سنگهای متابازیت گلپایگان، پهنه سنندج-سیرجان"
    Hossein Azizi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian, Behnaz Bakhtiari
    26th Symposium of Crystallography and Mineralogy of Iran (SCMI), 2019
  9. "Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on origin of the Marivan granitoid body, northwest Iran"
    Hossein Azizi, YoshiHero Asaha, Koshi Yamamoto, Farzad Rezaei
    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, 2018
  10. "مطالعه ی گارنت-آمفیبولیتهای سد زایندهرود: شاهدی بر تشکیل محیط تکتونیکی پشت کمان در انتهای نئوپروتروزوئیک )پهنه سنندج –سیرجان("
    Hossein Azizi, Forough Malek-Mahmoudi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian
    25th Symposium of Crystallography and mineralogy of Iran, 2018
  11. "تعیین منشاء پروتولیت اکلوژیتهای کمپلکس دگرگونی شمال شهرکرد: بررسی ژئوشیمیایی و ایزوتوپی"
    Hossein Azizi, Forough Malek-Mahmoudi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian
    سي و پنجمين گردهمايي علوم زمين 1395, 2017
  12. "ژئوشیمی و تعیین محیط تکتونیکی سنگ مادر آمفیبولیتهای شمال شهرکرد"
    Hossein Azizi, Forough Malek-Mahmoudi, Ali Reza Davoudian, Nahid Shabanian
    بيستمين همايش زمين شناسي ايران, 2016
  13. "ژیٔوشیمی و منشاء توده گرانیتویٔیدی پرآلومین ابراهیم عطار، جنوب غرب قروه"
    Hossein Azizi, Keivan Mohammadi
    بيستمين همايش زمين شناسي ايران, 2016
  14. "شناسایی مناطق مستعد آهن با استفاده از دادههای ماهوارهای لندست 7 و برداشت ژئومغناطیسی زمینی در خاور شهر سنندج"
    Hossein Azizi, Hashem Shahsavani, zanko ataie pour, saeid khojastefar, Hamid Reza Ramazi
    بيستمين همايش زمين شناسي ايران, 2016
  15. "معرفی مناطق مستعد کانی زایی اورانیوم با استفاده از روش رادیومتری، مطالعه موردی در غرب کشور"
    Hossein Azizi, Hashem Shahsavani, zanko ataie pour, saeid khojastefar
    هفدهمين كنفرانس ژئوفيزيك ايران, 2016
  16. "ویژگیهای ایزوتوپی و عناصر کمیاب در دو کانی پیروکسن و پلاژیوکلاز گابروهای قاضی خانی، جنوب شرق هرسین"
    Hossein Azizi, Fatemah Nouri
    بيست و سومين همايش بلور شناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2015
  17. "پنقش اثرات تتراد در توزیع عناصر نادر خاکی در گرانیتویٔیدهای عطار، جنوب غرب قروه"
    Hossein Azizi, Keivan Mohammadi
    بيست و سومين همايش بلور شناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2015
  18. "تعیین محیط ژیٔودینامیکی و ژیٔوترموبارومتری توده گابرویی کنگره ( جنوب غرب قروه) براساس آنالیز نقطهای کانیها"
    Hossein Azizi, Mohammad najarai, Fatemah Nouri
    بيست و سومين همايش بلور شناسي و كاني شناسي ايران, 2015